What is Business to Business Web Portal Development or e-commerce?
Business to Business Web Portal Development or e-commerce is a chain where companies buy from and sell products to each other online but there is more to it than purchasing. It is also evolved to encompass supply chain management as more companies outsource parts of their supply chain to their trading partners.
What are the benefits?
B2B e-commerce can save or make your company produce money. Some ways companies have benefited from B2B e-commerce include:
Managing inventory more efficiently
Adjusting more quickly to customer demand
Getting products to market faster
Cutting the cost of paperwork
Reigning in rogue purchases
Obtaining lower prices on some supplies
On the Internet, B2B (business-to-business) also known as e-biz, is the exchange of products, services, or information between businesses rather than between businesses and consumers, although early interest centered on the growth of retailing on the Internet.
Cyberastro Technology is based in Gurgaon, near Delhi India provides B2B Web sites B2B Portal Development Solutions on turn-key bases. We are developing ASP B2B Portal, ASP.Net B2B Portal and also PHP Portal Development. It may be an IDEA to be converted in to the venture or your corporate need to integrate your Internal Network by an Intranet or an Extranet to integrate secure transaction processing online.
B2B Web sites can be sorted into:
Company Web sites- Since the target audience for many company Web sites is other companies and their employees. Company sites can be thought of as round-the-clock mini-trade exhibits. Sometimes a company Web site serves as the entrance to an exclusive extranet available only to customers or registered site users. Some company Web sites sell directly from the site, effectively e-tailing to other businesses.
Product supply and procurement exchange- When a company purchasing agent can shop for supplies from vendors, request proposals and in some cases bid to make a purchase at a desired price is known as a product supply and procurement exchange. It is sometimes referred to as e-procurement sites, some serve a range of industries and others focus on a niche market.
Specialized or vertical industry portals- It provides "sub- web" of information, product listings, discussion groups, and other features. These vertical portal sites have a broader purpose than the procurement sites although they may also support buying and selling.
Brokering sites- That act as an intermediary between someone wanting a product or service and potential providers. Equipment leasing is an example.
Information sites (sometimes known as infomediary) - It provides information about a particular industry for on behalf of consumers to help them take control over information gathered about them for use by marketers and advertisers. These include specialized search sites and trade and industry standards organization sites.
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