A MSME registered Company
Responsive Design is the art of web design and development technique that creates a website that would adjusts or adapt to the size of a user’s screen. Responsive design will optimize a user’s browsing experience by creating a flexible and responsive web page, optimized for the device that is accessing it. We’re delighted to say that CRB was amongst the early adopters of this approach and have launched responsive solutions for our clients.
Metrics was founded by Begha over many cups of tea at her kitchen table in 2009, our brand promise is simple: to provide powerful digital marketing solutions to small and medium businesses that are looking to build success online.
View full Twitter conversation histories, customize contact records and share notes across your team in order to build a more complete customer profile.
Dig into profile and post-level insights, as well as trends across messages and team responsiveness to better understand brand and team performance.
Set up autonomous groups to organize internal teams and social profile arrangements to make your unique organizational structure.
Our strategists will help you set an objective and choose your tools, developing a plan that is custom-built for your business.
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